Employee Reimbursements

Sometimes out-of-pocket expenses are unavoidable, even with PEX.  Manage reimbursements through PEX- now available with our Credit and Prepaid Expense programs. 
giving PEX card

More than 10,000,000 Cards Issued

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Manage all your employee spending in one place

Even with PEX, sometimes out-of-pocket expenses are unavoidable when you have employees on the go. You can now manage reimbursements through the PEX platform, allowing you to track all spending in one place. 

  • Maintain real-time insights into all your employee spend, whether on a PEX card or not

  • View and approve reimbursement requests directly through the PEX platform- no paperwork needed

  • With multiple levels of approval, you can control when pay-outs occur

Modernize your payment methods and workflows

Keep your balance sheets up to date with fast approvals and payouts on any expenses

  • PEX makes it easy for employees to submit for reimbursement. Plus, you can approve and pay employees in just minutes.

  • Reimbursement payments will arrive in an employees' personal account in just a few days

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Get Your Free Demo

PEX offers tools and support to help you to turn workforce spending into a competitive advantage. What can we do for you?