7 Cheaper, Smarter Ways to Hire in a Tight Job Market

If you have open jobs that you can’t find people for, you’re not alone. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) reports that 47% percent of small business owners said they had job openings they couldn’t fill.  And in today’s labor market, recruiting and hiring for those empty slots can be expensive. Besides the cost…

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21 Reasons Why SMBs Can Be Upbeat if There’s a Downturn

If you follow the financial news at all, you can’t avoid the talk about an impending recession. But for small- and mid-sized businesses, the news doesn’t have to be all bad. Companies like Uber and Airbnb (and PEX), launched during the great recession of 2008-2009. Motorola and Dairy Queen launched during the last century’s Great…

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