When trying to meet your budget, keeping your expenses in check is only half the battle. You also need to focus on driving sales. Whether tickets or t-shirts, how can you meet your goals and quotas?
The web is your most important tool to increase revenue. You need to determine your online strategy and tactics. Depending on the artist or event you may be able to incorporate something interactive like a blog, ezine, or fan group on your website. This type of social marketing can help draw people to your site, and increased traffic means more sales. On your site you should have various media offerings – mp3, video, or even CDs – available for purchase or sampling, as well as artist or event memorabilia. Equally important is to use the site to inform your visitors about upcoming dates and give them a clear path to purchase tickets.
You can't drive sales if people can't find you, so make sure that you are managing your SEO (search engine optimization). Search engines can't find you if you don't tell them what to look for. Be sure to leverage your meta tags, titles, and headers. Not sure if your site stacks up and need some concrete suggestions? Try the free Website Grader from HubSpot: https://website.grader.com/. If you need one-on-one advice the folks at HubSpot can help you out, or you can Google 'SEO agencies' to find more options.
For more online marketing ideas go to Content Marketing Today: https://contentmarketingtoday.com/
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