The Digital Payment Revolution's Unintended Consequences
A recent article in Recode from Gadi Amit, founder of product design consultancy NewDealDesign, poses an interesting question: How can we take advantage of digital currency's benefits without forgoing cash completely? There are benefits to both: Studies have shown that cash promotes more thoughtful spending, while digital payment methods improve transactional security and efficiency. Amit argues that when cash becomes digital, we lose financial context and, ultimately, make poor spending decisions. Check out the full story.
Attention, CFOs: Take Charge of Real-Time Analytics
When used effectively, big data can be distilled into meaningful insights that finance leaders can use to make smarter, more strategic decisions. Ajit Kambil, managing director of Deloitte's global CFO program, offers some advice on how CFOs can use analytics to spur more strategic thinking. Check out the full story.
3 Ways to Simplify Church Expense Management
Church leaders spend a significant amount of time managing expenses for events, summer camps, mission trips and more. Here are three hacks to streaming the expense management process, so leaders can spend more time serving the community. Check out the full story.
Health Benefits in the 'Gig Economy', which connects families with caregivers, is in the process of implementing a peer-to-peer benefits platform in which families can contribute to the cost of their employees health benefits. Check out the full story.
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