Using fleet cards can be a difficult solution for businesses that don't have credit. Instead of handing out credit cards that come with the potential for bumping up against credit limits or being misused, a prepaid card accesses only the funds assigned to it. This way, money is put on each card in the fleet and money can be used to fill up the tank or other business expenses, as approved.
With one place to go to set up accounts and track expenses, using PEX Card for your fleet cards can give you the tools and features you need to manage your fleet without spending time chasing down receipts or reviewing credit card bills. And adding new cards is a snap, so your business has room to grow.
Toffer Grant is PEX's Founder and CEO. He founded PEX in 2006 as a prepaid card solution for small businesses. His background in the prepaid industry began at Clarity Payment Solutions, where he initiated 65 prepaid card programs in consumer, corporate, and emerging verticals of the prepaid card industry.
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