Most employees are looking for guidelines to follow in order to do their job to the best of their ability. Managers are looking to help employees succeed at their jobs. Part of doing a job successfully involves working within the budget. Managers usually have a good idea of what their budget is and how it can be used, but how much of this information gets passed down to employees? What guidelines have been put in place to help employees with budgeting?
Your organization may not have all these questions answered, but fortunately PEX Card can help. A business pre paid card like PEX Card has many useful features to help with employee expense budgeting. Not only can you add or remove funds from each card in real time, you can set up spending rules to help keep company expenses on track. This lets managers determine for each card the maximum amount of money that can be spent in a day and what kinds of transactions it can be used for, such as travel or entertainment. Employees will know the budget they have to work with each day and where the money can go, providing helpful guidelines. If an emergency or exception arises, an employee can always contact a manager to make a small change in the admin website and fund the card to allow the transaction(s) to go through. It's as easy as that!
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