
PEX for Educational Organizations

happy student

A university undergraduate student association uses PEX to fund clubs and activities to save time and enable more students to participate in activities.


  • Most students don’t have the money to prepay for conferences, events or trips and then wait for reimbursement.
  • Students had to use a lot of time and paper filling out expense reports, looking for receipts and attaching them.
  • Students had to use their own credit cards to make online purchases, and hope to be reimbursed before the credit card bill was due.


  • With PEX, funds come straight from the student’s budget and are loaded onto prepaid cards in advance, so students don’t have to spend their own money.
  • Students submit receipts and notes through the camera function in the PEX mobile app.
  • PEX Cards work where Visa debit cards are accepted; admins can transfer funds without writing and distributing checks.

Recent Case Studies

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Food For Free

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Health & Behavioral Dimensions, Inc.

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